Continuing education for an art teacher

Verified Non-Profit

$600 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...send an art teacher from KIPP Houston Art School to the MFAH Glassell Studio School in order to continue growing in contemporary art methods and skills. This is important in order to produce lessons for our art programs since art is always changing.
The classes are $600 ($100 for registration and $500 for the class). Supplies would be the responsibility of the granted teacher. MFAH has several classes to choose and offer them at night. Most courses are 14 weeks and have a pass/fail or grade which can count towards CPE credit or continuing education courses towards a masters.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...a workshop for a granted teacher that is 4 sessions at the Glassell, or apply the amount towards the workshop while the teacher will be responsible for the remainder amount.
About the Creator

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