Books for Kindergarteners!

Verified Non-Profit

$300 goal

The Description
With these funds I will buy leveled books for my students to have access to daily to be able to read at their individual levels.
With these books, my students will be able to develop crucial literacy skills and be able to have access to books at their given reading levels without feeling pressured to read books that are took hard or feel under challenged. I have students from different backgrounds and ethnicities but many of my students are English Language learners who are just learning who to read and I want to make sure I have plenty of books available for them to access and for them to use to develop reading skills.
My students will use these books daily in our reading groups, centers, and at their own leisure to simply enjoy the pleasures of reading. They have already read through the books I have and I want to make sure I offer plenty of variety for my students and that my students get plenty of opportunities to develop their love for reading.
I will purchase various leveled books like these in the A-F levels:
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase leveled readers similar to these from another store such as Scholastic.
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