Interactive Student Notebooks

Verified Non-Profit
$225 goal

The Description
With these funds I will purchase $225 of gift credit from Throughout this school year, I will select resources that will aid student creation of interactive notebooks pertaining to the subject areas and learning targets of math, science, and social studies. Interactive notebooks are an excellent reference that students can utilize to refresh or clarify a concept or steps in a process. These notebooks can be taken home and used as a home-study tool and as an important communication tool involving parents in the learning process. Additionally, implementation of student interactive notebooks will aid in strengthening organizational and study skills, serve as a visual aid, and allow for individual creativity.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will continue to pursue various crowd-funding opportunities to generate the stated monetary amount.
About the Creator

Investments (2)
9 years ago
9 years ago
Comments (1)
Lisa Maloney September 18, 2015
Thank you, PledgeCents, for your tireless passion and efforts assisting students in classrooms all across the United States! You motivate and inspire me to serve others with the work you do!! Much and many thanks for your generous and kind donations towards our learning endeavors!!
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