Fun, FASHION Lessons in the Elementary Curriculum!

$516 goal
The Description
With these funds I will...add some fun fashion flair to my elementary curriculum! My students love fashion at ALL levels and this will help me add fun lessons including tie dying and designing shirts, printing/designing on clothes to up-cycle them, fun hats...just to name a few! Materials include paints, dyes, poster board for construction, paper for sketching...and even a dress form for the classroom!
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal I will purchase...whatever materials I can out of pocket and rely on community help/donations.
Fundraiser Updates (1)
Thank you!
February 17, 2021
Although we didn't meet our goal we did receive one donation. Those funds have been sent to the school and will be used to purchase materials to decorate face masks so we can be safe AND fashionable! Thank you so much!
About the Creator
I teach students of all ability levels, grades K-5. The school where I teach is a Title I School and we are very diverse, serving students from a variety of cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.
My students are highly engaged in their work- and LOVE art class- and I love them! Thank you so much!
Investments (1)
4 years ago
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