Huskies Elite Basketball Fees

Verified Non-Profit

$1,210 goal

The Description
We will purchase 23 uniforms at a cost of $60 per uniform: We also travel to Nashville and Atlanta and will need to fund hotels for 5 nights at a rate of $100 per night. NCAA tournaments will cost $300 for Apache Paschall in Nashville and $600 for ATL Summer Slam in Marietta ( The cost per player is around $450, but all players are not able to meet their fees. A goal of our non-profit is not to turn away any player, no matter their socio-economic status. You are helping players be seen by college coaches and guaranteeing them a free education in the future. Players also are able to learn life skills, critical thinking skills, teamwork and a sense of community.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will pay the difference of whatever is not raised to secure the same items.
About the Creator

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