Level Up - Digital Badging for Personal Success

Verified Non-Profit
$750 goal

The Description
The students at North High School are wonderful people and we are working to build a school culture that honors our students' unique personalities and strengths. So often we recognize our academic rock stars and spend lots of time working to support our most struggling students. We realized that we have a large contingent of students who do wonderful things, both in and out of the classroom, and are not recognized.
With this funding, we will purchase a subscription to Credly, an online digital badging platform to award badges that reward students for Personal Success Factors - Curiosity, Gratitude, Grit, Optimism, Self Control, Social Intelligence, and Zest. Students who succeed in earning badges in all seven categories will go on an overnight team building trip to the Rocky Mountains.
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal, we will continue to use Schoology, our district-wide Learning Management System. While there are badges available, the program is designed for a single class or teacher, rather than a school-wide system. The reports and tracking available through Schoology leave much to be desired, and it will work for now if we do not make our fundraising goal.
Fundraiser Updates (1)
Still raising funds
December 1, 2017
Hello funders! Thank you so much for your kindness and support. We have not raised quite enough funds to make the Credly purchase, but we are hard at work on it. I will update you as soon as the funding comes through with details on how our Credly program is working.
About the Creator

Your Impact
Minor Badge
Major Badge
Mega Badge
Investments (3)
7 years ago
Family Lira
7 years ago
7 years ago
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