Performance Attire for Mastery Chorus

Verified Non-Profit

$4,124 goal

The Description
With these funds I will purchase performance attire for members of Mastery Chorus. The Shoemaker Mastery Chorus is the first elective ever offered within the Mastery Network and remains the premiere performance ensemble of the network, regularly auditioning over 80 students per year but only accepting 32 due to class size restrictions (I wish we could accept everyone).
With these funds, we will purchase performance gowns and tuxedos which will last for years to come and allow our students to look and visually present themselves as professionally as they sound.
Attire would be purchased through
Girls would wear: with a music note necklace:
boys would wear:
The cost per female outfit would be approx. $75 and we will need 20 dresses and necklaces.
The cost per male outfit will be approx. $100 and we will need 16 of them.
Garment bags would be purchased through the same website for all attire to be kept in high quality condition
Also a garment rack would be purchased through for storage purposes:
This ensemble performs regularly at school concerts as well as formal city functions and Mastery fundraisers. In addition, they travel yearly for music competitions. The students have always expressed a wish to dress as professionally as all of the ensembles they get to see.
Your investment will be an investment in the confidence of a young performer and an increased sense of school pride for the ensemble as a whole.
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal I will purchase uniform dress tops for the girls and dress shirts and ties for the boys.
About the Creator

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