Marvelous Marbling!!

Verified Non-Profit

$3,000 goal

The Description
With these funds we will get the opportunity to have Black Light Visuals bring a team of marbling artists to our high school for homecoming and over 450 of our students will be able to experience body marbling first hand!! BLVisuals brings artists, paint, giant marbling tubs, black lights, and much more for their setup, and they will be taking over our gymnasium! Body Marbling is where a marbling artist takes various colors of acrylic paint, and drips them carefully onto the surface of a tub of a special salt water solution. The acrylic paint floats and spreads on the surface of the water! The artist then makes the colorful water surface marbled by dragging tools or more paint through the painted surface. The artist then helps the students immerse their hands and arms up to or just past their elbows in the "Painted Water" and when they remove their arms from the tub, they will have gorgeous, fluorescent, marbled designs on their arms! Our Art Club's goal this year is to promote art advocacy and to show our school and community that art is important, but also that art is fun! Art sometimes gets a stigma in schools as a "blow off" class or an "easy" class, and is many times deemed not as important as other classes. We want to show the school and the community how art can bring a community together, how students can have a piece of art directly (even if temporarily) on their bodies, and how there are some awesome art careers and opportunities outside of high school! The Art Club is extremely excited about this, and so are my fellow teachers!! Let's show Onsted that art is everywhere, and that there are amazing things you can do with art!
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal we will try to do some other types of fundraising in order to make this event happen for our students!!
Fundraiser Updates (2)
November 29, 2016
We have our date set and just need to secure the funds!! Help us spread art advocacy to the student body and the community during the most public event in our town... homecoming!!
The Plan...
November 18, 2016
I am please to announce that Onsted High School Art Club is fundraising in order to make an AWESOME art event happen for our entire high school student body! Black Light Visuals, a company that takes painting to the next level, will be coming to our school (if we meet our goal!) on February 3rd (WINTER HOMECOMING!)! They will show our students the art of water marbling, and all our students will have the opportunity to get their hands and arms marbled with fluorescent, black light- activated body paint! We are SO excited for this opportunity and can't wait to get started!!
About the Creator

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