Send Troupe #8058 to Texas Thespian Festival!

Verified Non-Profit

$2,000 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...
pay for registration, lodging and traveling expenses (approx. $235 per student) for my Thespian Troupe students as they attend the Texas Thespian State Festival located in Dallas, TX.
"If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again!"
We are only in our 3rd year of existence, and of course, anytime one is trying to build something from scratch, you run into a few trials and errors...yet I am trying to provide the students with as many "hands-on" theatre experiences as possible!
The KIPP Houston High School Theatre students and I have been diligently working to lay the foundation for the theatre program while utilizing the platform of theatre to inspire and enlighten others. This opportunity will open the door for students to gain a plethora of information to bring back to the theatre program that we are trying to establish at KIPP Houston High School. Students will also be provided with the following opportunities:
- College Auditions
- Workshops
- Play Marathons
- Mainstage Performances
- Nationally Acclaimed Guest Speakers
- A chance to advance to the International Thespian Society National Festival
- Networking opportunities
These kids are intelligent leaders, and definitely share a passion for theatre. They deserve this. The only barrier is the funding. Please help us raise money! Even something as small as $1 gets us closer to our goal. :-)
Here is a link for more information:
Back Up Plan
I will use whatever funds were contributed to offset as much as possible for the festival.
About the Creator

Investments (1)
9 years ago
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