My Library is My Best Friend!

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds, I am hoping to add to my classroom library.  I am requesting $435 to be spent on 3 different sets of leveled readers (25 books per set) that students will be able to check out and enjoy. I currently have various leveled readers in my classroom, but many students have already read most of the novels that I have to offer. My students constantly challenge themselves to read in Spanish, and I want them to maintain their level of interest by offering them new novels!

As a school, Skinner focuses on literacy and stresses the importance of reading in and out of school.  Not only will this project support our school goal, but it will also allow my students to continue building their second language. 

Research shows that students acquire language by receiving input (listening and reading) that is comprehensible.  Reading appropriately leveled novels in Spanish is vital for my students because it allows them to work at their own pace and read books relating to their interests.  Leveled novels allow even beginning students to feel success by reading a chapter book in their second language.  Having more books in my library will also allow me to check out books for them to take home. Additionally, it means that there is a greater chance of having books that will interest all students.

I don't know yet which novels I will order because I will ask for students to vote! Options can be found at: 


Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal, I will purchase as many copies of a novel as I can.  Again, I will let students vote on which novel(s) I purchase with partial funding. Books found at:

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About the Creator

Middle school Spanish teacher. CI enthusiast. Dancer. Skier. Mountain biker. Lover of fun.

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