To End Educational Inequality in Denver Public Schools

Verified Non-Profit

$750 goal

The Description
In the community I will be serving, the school and students may not be able to afford all of the materials that are necessary for successful learning. Therefore, with these funds I will purchase academic materials for the classroom and for students. Classroom materials will include the following: 10 whiteboard markers ($10), 10 resource posters ($30), 40 resource books ($200), 40 i-clickers ($200), and more. Student materials will include the following: 200 writing utensils ($20), 40 planners ($40), 40 folders ($20), 40 notebooks ($30), access to online educational tools, and more. Access to these materials will allow for unification regarding instruction, and as a result, less teaching time will be used for developing individualized study plans for the students who are lacking materials.
DCIS at Montbello prioritizes multi-lingual instruction and technology education in pursuit of preparing students for the increasingly globalized world. By investing in these basic materials for students, you are contributing to a brighter future for posterity. I am new to this community, but this community is not new; as a richly diverse community, it has much to offer in terms of cultural expression and global contribution. By investing in these materials, you will help this community to continue positively contributing to our global society.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal, I will purchase as much as I can with the amount donated.
Fundraiser Updates (1)
Donation Update
August 21, 2016
Dear All Donation Participants,
Thank you dearly for your contributions. Expect personal thank-you notes in the near future.
As I purchase items for my classroom, I will provide more updates, including pictures, on how I am implementing the items.
Sorry for this limited response. More to come.
About the Creator

Investments (7)
Melissa Lam
8 years ago
Allison Wong
8 years ago
Rebecca F Davis
8 years ago
Kelcey Woods-Nord
8 years ago
Jerry and Kay Peters
8 years ago
8 years ago
Julie Joerg
8 years ago
Comments (1)
Jerry and Kay Peters July 25, 2016
All of our love,
Jerry and Kay
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