Beginning Readers: Mo Willems Collection

Verified Non-Profit

$300 goal

The Description
With these funds I will buy several complete sets of the Mo Willems Elephant and Piggie series. These books are for beginning readers, and I have seen first hand how they inspire kids who are just beginning to read to push themselves. My students are already familiar with the series because I read them aloud. They love the books because they are hilarious. I cannot keep them on the shelves. I would like to put these books not only in the library, but in teachers' classrooms so that more students have access to them. My students deserve these books because they are resources that allow me as an instructor to give them the best chance to increase literacy skills. I've seen students who have been so excited to check out these books, read them, and pass Accelerated Reader quizzes on them. It makes the children so happy. I've seen students who did not enjoy reading (because it was hard) take one of these books and push themselves to learn the challenging words. They are so in love with the characters and the content, they aren't focusing on the fact that it is challenging.
These books range from $6 to $9 each on Amazon Prime. I will buy as many as I can get for $300.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as many Elephant and Piggie books as possible.
Fundraiser Updates (1)
Elephant and Piggie for Shreve Island Library
February 1, 2016
Thank you so much for investing in our cause. I will be ordering all the Elephant and Piggie books I can get this week. Our 1st grade students are currently reading them like crazy to get used to Accelerated Reader. I love these books so much and can never have enough of them. Thank you again!
About the Creator

Investments (2)
Bridget Verret
9 years ago
Susan Norris
9 years ago
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