Cameras for our KIPP Art Classes

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds we will be able to purchase 10 additional cameras for our classroom use.  With the very few we have, students have been able to take award winning photos and create stop motion animated movies.  Since we have so few cameras students have limited access and time.  Ten additional cameras allow students to work in partners and give students additional access.  We will be ordering canon elph point and shoot cameras.$abcat0401001&cp=1&lp=14 

Students will be able to use the cameras in three specific ways: 1) for reference photos for drawing original work 2) for electronic media projects, and 3)for telling their own stories through stop motion animation. Students will be able to showcase and compete their amazing work multiple times throughout the year.

KIPP Academy is the first and founding KIPP school.  Eighty-eight percent of our students are economically disadvantaged.  Our students prove on a daily basis that hard work and determination pay off.  Thank you for investing in our creative students!

Back Up Plan

If we don't reach our entire goal we will purchase fewer cameras and share.

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About the Creator

I teach at KIPP Academy Middle School, the first KIPP school in the nation! This is my 5th year here. I am preparing 5-8 grades to submit portfolios for high school submissions. Some will feed into KIPP Houston HS and some will go to private schools. All will go to college!

Investments (2)



10 years ago



10 years ago