Whats a Website Without Pictures?

Verified Non-Profit

$800 goal

The Description
This is the first year that the YES Prep Northside campus will have a computer based course, Web Design, of which I am very excited to teach! As last year's 9th Grade English teacher, I learned firsthand that our students aren’t very skilled in computer technology (getting those papers typed took much longer than I ever expected, lol), so I was elated when I learned that I would be able to start a technology class at Northside.
The high school students in the Web Design class will be learning how to build websites using HTML coding, and as most of us know, any great website must have great images. While our Northside students are pros at snapping selfies and other fun photos with their phones, many of them don’t have a lot of experience using a digital camera. With these funds, we will invest in 4 to 5 cameras (it would be great to have a class et someday) to teach my Web Design students how to use a digital camera to take great photos (and videos) for their Web Design projects. We live in a world where the options are limitless for skills in the digital realm, including photography. Who knows? Using a digital camera during a Web Design course in high school may lead to America’s next great photographer!
Furthermore, this will be my second semester facilitating a blogging club after school, and I’d like to see my students take their blogs to the next level with great photos. Using digital cameras, instead of their phones will do just that!
I recall growing up, unaware of the creative avenues that could lead to successful careers, and one of my goals as a teacher is make sure my students are aware of the varying career paths out there, such as Web Designers and Photographers. Attaining a few cameras for my classroom will aid in reaching that goal!
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as many cameras as the funds will allow, as well as invest in magazine subscriptions that will aid in students learning about what's happening in the real digital world. I'd also use the money to sponsor a bid trip for students to participate in an Adobe seminar, off campus.
Fundraiser Updates (1)
December 3, 2015
Dear Investors,
Thank you so much for investing cameras for my Web Design and Blogging students to use! The cameras have arrived, and they are all excited to have cameras to use for their final project, due in a couple of weeks, as well as for homecoming activities next week. Without you, they'd all be sharing my one teacher phone, lol. Your investment is truly appreciated.
Rocquelle Porch
High School Web Design/ Blogging Club Teacher
YES Prep- Northside
About the Creator

Investments (14)
Rocquelle Porch
9 years ago
Ashley Small
9 years ago
Taron Booker
9 years ago
Blake Ball
9 years ago
Kristen Brown
9 years ago
Joshua O'Dowd
9 years ago
Jacqueline Lane
9 years ago
Cynthia Murga
9 years ago
Karlie Carman
9 years ago
Crystal Isaac
9 years ago
9 years ago
Tamika White
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
Comments (1)
Tamika White August 20, 2015
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