Clickity Clack: The Future Sound of Creative Writing Class

Verified Non-Profit

$200 goal

The Description
With these funds I will purchase 12 Anker Bluetooth keyboards (at $15.00 each at Link to Keyboards) for the iPads I bought for my classroom.
Typing is hard on a touchscreen device, such as an iPad. My creative writing students would benefit greatly from having an actual keyboard to use with the iPads already purchased for my classroom. With the money donated to this cause, I'll be able to purchase Bluetooth keyboards compatible with the iPads, thereby making typing much easier and quicker for my aspiring authors!
My students have worked hard on their writing, working until their hands ache from doing everything by hand. With the addition of Bluetooth keyboards for my iPads, they'll be able to rest their aching hands and give their fingers some exercise on the keyboards instead!
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as many Bluetooth keyboards as possible. While it would be ideal to have enough to purchase a keyboard for each iPad, I will make the best of what I can get!
About the Creator

Investments (1)
9 years ago
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