Chromebooks for Reading and Writing

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds, I will buy a classroom set of chromebooks. Many of my students do not have internet access at home and are missing the basic technology skills neccessary to succeed in today's modern classroom and workplace. By turning my classroom into a 1:1 (one computer per kid) room, I can teach the digital literacy alongside the old fashioned literacy. Students love interacting with technology so it only makes sense for me to incorporate it as much as possible. Old lessons such as \\"The Diary of Anne Frank" can immediately become alive when students take a digital tour of the secret annex. Daily access to chromebooks will transform my classroom. 


Chromebooks are $279. My largest class is 28.

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as many chromebooks as possible. Every little bit helps! 

Fundraiser Updates (2)

Kayaking in Galveston!

March 25, 2015

With the funds raised, I am taking 25 kids kayaking in Galveston. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for most of our students. Students will learn about the local ecosystem, plants, animals, and the watershed model. In addition to kayaking, the students will water color the scenery right from their kayak. It's an amazing day for both students and teachers!


 Thanks again for supporting my classroom and allowing my students to have this amazing opportunity! 


Holly Wight

Kayaking in the Gulf

March 25, 2015

With the funds raised, I am taking 25 kids kayaking in Galveston. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for most of our students. Students will learn about the local ecosystem, plants, animals, and the watershed model. In addition to kayaking, the students will water color the scenery right from their kayak. It's an amazing day for both students and teachers!


Thanks again for supporting my classroom and allowing my students to have this amazing opportunity

Comments (2)

Sarah January 23, 2015

Great idea for a fundraiser--good luck!

Ralph and Meg Domas January 11, 2015

Hope you get a lot of investors. It's a great project.

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About the Creator

My students are the definition of high needs. In our school, 25% of our students are homeless and 90% receive free/reduced lunch. My students come from a variety of backgrounds. Some have grown up in the same traditionally African-American neighborhood as their grandparents, and haven't ventured much further than our city limits. Others are first or second generation, Spanish speaking, immigrants to our country. With our wide cultural range, we spend much of our time learning about each other and the characters we read in our texts. There's so much to share and learn just among ourselves.

Investments (5)


Sarah Tucker

10 years ago


Stephanie F Campbell

10 years ago



10 years ago


Maria G Serna

10 years ago


Ralph E Domas

10 years ago