Bigger visuals to help succeed bigger goals

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will...have artwork blown up on larger poster boards in order for my students to see all of the great artwork and samples to help them succeed in their own work.  With the way my classroom is set up and the way my students are seated at the tables it will be a little hard for the students in the back to see whats on the board because of the projector being in their way.  It is very helpful for the students to see a professional artist show emphasis or unity in their artwork.  Since my projector is in the way and it makes it difficult for the kids further to the back to see I wanted to just have the images blown up on a poster board.  So this way as I walk around the classroom with the image large enough to see in hand all of the students will get a comfortable look at the great image being shown.

Back Up Plan

If we don't reach our entire goal we will...use the funds we have to get as many images printed as possible.

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About the Creator

This is my 2nd year teaching art with KIPP Houston. I love my students, I love my job and I love what I do.

Investments (3)



10 years ago


Michael Graham

10 years ago


Mechelle Brown

10 years ago