The Art of Stomp: Dynasty Step Team Fundraiser

Verified Non-Profit

$1,087 goal

The Description
With the funds collected for this cause, Dynasty Step team will be well on our way of getting up and running for the 2017-2018 academic year. The money will be used to take students around to different colleges and universities so that they will be able to see the impact Stepping has across the nation. I truly believe that many students are not just into athletics, but other activities as well. Dynasty Step Team is helping students gain a hobby and learn about this art form as well. All funds will be used for students, whether it will be to purchase team shirts, rent a bus to visit colleges/universities, enter competitions, or for ticket purchases to attend shows held in the state of Florida. The students involved in Dynasty Step Team will also be performing throughout the year. With the funds collected for this cause, they will be able to attend different school functions as well as community events to showcase their talents.
Currently, the coaches here have reached out to multiple local middle and high schools in efforts to slowly expand the organization in the Miami community and beyond. In a matter of two years, Dynasty has already confirmed future performances with the Adrienne Arsht Center in Downtown Miami, the Miracle Mile Theatre in Corla Gables, and competitions in Tampa, Florida, and Atlanta, Georgia. Dynasty will also be performing in upcoming pep rallies, after-school programs at the middle and high school level, and stepping showcases/workshops provided by the our Team.
Stepping is an art form that can include as many individuals seen fit for the particular step. Stepping can be a tight group of eight, a pair of individuals, or even twenty at a time. Steppers are also interchangeable throughout showcases so we are capable of bringing the entire step team to these performances and upcoming university/college visits. These 40 members will get a taste of what it's like to perform in front of a crowd, express themselves through the art of stepping, and gain vital experiences throughout their high schools careers that they may not have had access to otherwise.
We simply need YOU to make this experience that much LOUDER!
Below you will find links to websites containing information regarding the pricing of essential costs facing Dynasty Step Team this year.
1. Stepping Boots (These boots are paramount for step competitions/performances due to the make and model of the boot. This allows steppers to places less pressure and stress on their ankles and feet while stomping down on a performance stage. The link below shows top of the line boot from an Army Surplus Retailer, but we are confident that less expensive brands can be found.
2. Customized matching t-shirts (The price outlined below is ONLY for the purchase of the t-shirt. Further customization is needed to produce matching team t-shirts that display the team name and logo. Estimated additional cost would be an additional $15.00)
3. Bus Tickets: Because we have not confirmed with Universities/Colleges, including the likes of Florida Memorial University, Florida State University, University of Miami, etc., the coaches cannot estimate this price at this time. But, nonetheless, any trip including the forty individuals on our team will require a sufficient amount for bus rentals/bus tickets.
4. Step Team Reference (Below is a link to a video from our current coaches old step team in Albany, New York, named Organized C.H.A.O.S, to give a glimpse of what stepping can become when nurtured and practiced on a consistent basis. The video shows the team performing with matching team shirts and, fortunately, most steppers with matching black boots.
Back Up Plan
If we are not able to raise the funds we desire, I am afraid many of our performers will be unable to afford the items necessary to fully delve into this team. As a team, we are attempting to fund raise as best as possible, but it is extremely difficult to raise enough to fully fund boots/shirts/car rentals, etc. to supply such a massive performance group. Such high level tournaments and competitions Require matching costumes that include boots, head wear and outerwear. So, if we are unable to support each students to our fullest need, we will be forced to remove certain individuals from some performances. We must abide by the rules of these competitions but our team is based on family and school spirit. We are writing to you today, not to simply raise money for our cause, but to allow every opportunity for each and every student to be able to experience this team to the fullest.
About the Creator

I currently hold a Bachelor's degree from the University at Albany (SUNY), and majored in English and Sociology with a minor in Education. It is my goal to eventually pursue my Master's degree in Educational Leadership to further my understanding of the education system and advance myself in practices inside of the classroom.
Outside of the classroom, I also am the Miami Norland Wrestling team Assistant Coach and head Sponsor for The Norland Steppers performance team. It is my firm belief that students who participate in extra-curricular activities and sports gain preparedness for their future college schedules and workloads.
Aside from these activities, it my vision that each student I have the pleasure of teaching or coaching, will attend and graduate from a 4-year institution.
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