Technology for Kindergarteners!

Verified Non-Profit

$800 goal

The Description
With these funds I will be able to purchase 3 iPad minis with protective cases for my students to use to gain access to various reading programs, education apps, and to become more familiar with technology! My students come from many different ethnic and racial backgrounds and many of my students qualify for the free and reduced lunch program at our school. My students do not have access to technology in the classroom or at home yet have a huge desire to learn about it. They come from low- economic households where supplies are not always available. With iPads I can differentiate my learning groups and provide them with individual opportunities to gain access to online learning materials and reading applications at their various reading levels. With the many reading programs available and applications out there my students will have endless opportunities to develop their reading skills in a fun way.
In a world where technology is present everywhere, I believe it is crucial to get my students familiar with the tech that is out there that is also age appropriate. Many of my students are English Language learners and learn best from hands on experiences. These iPads will provide them with many opportunities to be hands on and develop literacy skills!
3 iPad Mini 2s ($236.73 each):
Protective cases ($24.99 each):
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will use the funds towards gaining reading materials for my students at their reading levels.
Fundraiser Updates (1)
iPad Apps Galore!
January 24, 2016
Thank you so much for your donations to our classroom and this cause! Although we didn't raise enough funds for iPads, I was able to use the funds to purchase a bunch of math and reading apps on the few iPads our class currently has and the students are loving them! They finally have educational games that are fun and that are helping them develop crucial literacy and math skills! Thank you so much for believing in us and our cause! We are so grateful for your support and my students are thankful for their new learning opportunities!
About the Creator

Investments (6)
9 years ago
9 years ago
Megan Poore
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
Catherine Babkina
9 years ago
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