GivingTuesday - El Cajon Valley Marching Braves

Verified Non-Profit

$516 goal

The Description
With these funds I will help support the El Cajon Valley (ECV) Marching Braves. El Cajon Valley Marching Braves is an inner city school filled with a wide variety of instrumental levels. Many students this year are new to their instruments and new to performing for their community. The El Cajon Valley Band Boosters support the ECV Marching Braves by providing nutritious meals and drinks before and/or after parades and events. And, oh boy, are high schoolers hungry! We also support these students by providing new black marching band shoes and socks. By supporting the ECV Marching Braves, you are giving students the opportunity to give back to their community by entertaining them at parades and events.
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal I will purchase meals and drinks for the fall marching band season. We will need to wait to purchase shoes until next time.
Fundraiser Updates (1)
December 3, 2019
WOW!!!! You are all so generous on this Giving Tuesday! I can't thank you enough for the donations you have made!!!! My heart has been renewed to see your generosity towards students you don't even know. Thank you for believing and donating to our program, the El Cajon Valley Marching Braves. You invested in us as we invested in high school kids. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
About the Creator

Your Impact
One student/one meal
Parade weekend/feed a kid
Feed a student all fall season!
NEW shoes!
Investments (7)
5 years ago
Rebekah Cornog
5 years ago
Dotty Smalley
5 years ago
Eric Marvin
5 years ago
Cynthia Weber
5 years ago
Kurt Stalmann
5 years ago
Laurel J Day
5 years ago
Comments (1)
Kurt December 3, 2019
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