A Kiln for West Artists!

Verified Non-Profit

$2,500 goal
The Description
With these funds I will... buy our artists a new (working) kiln! A kiln for West artists would affect nearly 400 students! All grades would be able to create ceramic projects that tie directly to our district and state curriculum.
There is no better moment as an art teacher than when I witness a child’s joy as she first sinks her fingers into some soft, squishy clay! I believe that few art mediums kindle growth and skill in children like clay does. Clay is an art material that invites children to touch, manipulate and experiment. The sensory experience of touch children encounter when handling clay sparks creativity and investigation in such an exciting way. “It’s cold!” “It’s wet!” “It’s like mud!” “It’s so heavy!” Clay begs to be poked, pinched, twisted and rolled and children love it! As they work they develop both fine and major motor skills as well as hand eye coordination and 3D problem solving abilities. Although there are alternatives to actual earthen clay, these substitutes are poor at best in replicating the singular sensation of working with real clay.
Ceramics is a unique medium because it is so highly responsive to touch and very forgiving. Children instinctively know how to knead and mold clay and they become aware that they are in charge and have influence over the clay as it quickly responds to their fingers. The feeling of being in command of the material gives young artists the confidence they need to attempt new projects and techniques. Clay allows a child to learn from their mistakes as it is easily repaired and reshaped which removes the fear of failure and allows for greater creativity and enjoyment.
Click on the following link to learn more about the Kiln that I am hoping to purchase for my students: http://kruegerpottery.com/skutt-km1022-kiln-master-kiln.html
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will place it in our art account and continue saving until we can afford that kiln!
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