Black Student Union Fundraiser

The Description

Our goal revolves around education and empowerment. We want to go on visit museums, watch black film, and go on college trips. We also want to have social events to build community create strong bonds within the club. 

For example, last year we flew to Washington DC. There we visited Howard University and The National Museum of African American History and Culture along side other historic places.

Proceeds from these fundraisers will help fund activities like these and will cover transportation, admission tickets, hotel stays, and food. 

Experiences like this show students the endless possibilities the world has to offer them. 

Back Up Plan

If we do not reach our goal we will continue to raise money. We will continue to have bake sales and other fundraising activities to teach our goals.  

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Comments (2)

Cynthia May 14, 2024

Thanks for bringing amazing snacks to the She is Beautiful Run. Please come back next year!

Michelle Robillard Phipps May 13, 2024

The baked goods at SIB were delicious! Thank you!

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About the Creator

I am the advisor of SCHS Black Student Union (BSU)!

Investments (6)


Verenice Buenrostro

3 months ago



3 months ago



3 months ago


Cynthia Patty

3 months ago


Michelle Robillard Phipps

3 months ago


Meghan Arnold

3 months ago