Kids Deserve It! Book Club for Teachers

The Description

With these funds I will...purchase 15 copies of the book Kids Deserve It! by Todd Nesloney and Adam Welcome. The staff of Schaumburg Christian School will be encouraged, through the vehicle of a book study, to create a positive and engaging environment for students of Schaumburg Christian.

Back Up Plan

as many books as possible with the funds we've earned (at $24.95 each from Amazon).

Fundraiser Updates (2)

First Meeting Complete!

November 21, 2016

We had a great first meeting with 4 staff members. We looked at the introduction and what the title says to us. Two or three others will also be joining us. There are two who will be following along, but because of scheduling, will not be meeting with us. We're excited to see a second investor, and we are thankful for all who have thought about helping us out.

Book Club beginning

November 15, 2016

We are about to start the book club for faculty and staff of Schaumburg Christian School. We'd love for you to partner with us!

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About the Creator

I'm an elementary principal at a private religious school. I am determined to create learning environments that allow students to exercise their curiosity and creativity.