IXL Program for Underprivileged 6th Grade Class

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will purchase an IXL membership for both the English and Mathematics subjects, that will allow all of my 33 students, plus 2 that I privately tutor, to have the IXL program until December 12, 2020. The membership being purchased allows for up to 40 students to have yearlong memberships to both.

According to a study conducted statewide across California schools from 2012-2015, public schools from grades 3-8 gained an average of 8.52 percentage points in Math proficiency and 9.94 percentage points in English Language Arts proficiency after just 2 years on the IXL program. Based on the substantial gains and large sample size, these findings are very significant as it is not common for schools to gain that much proficiency in their test scores in such a short timeframe. In my own teaching experience, I have found that IXL is effective for students on all levels, as it allows my students 5-10 times the amount of practice for math skills that are essential both in 6th grade and into higher education, along with instant feedback that lets students know when they have got a problem right or wrong. IXL has become a staple of my classroom and I have witnessed its effect on student growth firsthand. It is absolutely a necessary component to giving my students the best shot at reaching grade-level proficiency in both Math and English.

Back Up Plan

If we do not reach our goal I will purchase the program for just Math, and try and supplement English myself if I can. 

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About the Creator

As a first year teacher working at a Title 1 school, I've been slapped in the face with many obstacles to overcome in my efforts of educating the inner city youths in my class. Still, its nothing compared to the struggles they face each and every day. Through pledgecents, I am hoping to bridge the gap between my class and those of other schools' in terms of availability of programs and access to materials.

Investments (7)


Marc Engellenner

5 years ago



5 years ago


Inno Ekine

5 years ago


Gabriella Pasion

5 years ago


Caleb Martin

5 years ago


Shazleen Khan

5 years ago



5 years ago