Enriching Reading Enrichment

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will...purchase flexible seating (gaming chairs, beanbags, butterfly chairs) ,notebooks, art supplies, pencils, and sets of new novels. I would LOVE to be able to purchase a tablet (or few) for my kids to be able to do research and use educational apps.  My class does not get a supply list so any materials I request are extra out of pocket expenses for families (or most likely, me).  

Back Up Plan

If we do not reach our goal I will purchase...basic materials such as notebooks and pencils. 

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Comments (2)

Lisa and Ira Gordon July 10, 2018

We are delighted to support this very worthwhile cause!!

Kelly Herron July 10, 2018

Thanks for all you are doing to prepare for a successful school year and all you do to support our scholars!

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About the Creator

I have been an elementary educator in high poverty, urban Indianapolis for 7 years. I was a 3rd grade teacher at Avondale Meadows Academy for 5 years and last year I switched rolls. I am currently the AMA reading enrichment teacher, teaching high ability readers grades 2-5. I love my job and my kids and they deserve the best education they can get, despite financial restraints.