REACHING HIGHER: We Can Go To College!

Verified Non-Profit

$5,000 goal

The Description
Our students need the opportunity go on college tours and expand their horizons. Please help us go on a tour to UNC, USC, SCSU and CCU!
Our Students
Did you go to college? Help my students get there too! Many of my students will be first generation college students - the first in their families to go to college. Our students at Howard, which qualifies as a high-needs, Title I School with over 70% of students qualifying for free or reduced lunch, are motivated to go to college. They have joined CAP - the College Access Program and/or National Honor Society to help them reach their dreams. Can you help them too?
Through this project, we are hoping to increase our students' college awareness, while also exposing them to colleges outside our tiny state.
Completing college successfully can unlock limitless potential. One factor essential to student success is the “fit” of the student and the college. College is challenging under the best circumstances, but the proper fit can make the difference that allows the student to persevere through the experience and graduate. Unfortunately, the cost of visiting and touring colleges is prohibitive for many of our students. The students in our groups are already high-achieving. They can and will be successful in college, but they do not always see the opportunities available to them beyond our small state, limiting their perspective and options. Our mission is to provide our students with an experience that will increase their awareness, in order to help them make the best possible decisions related to college admissions.
Our Fundraising Project
By supporting our fundraiser, you are allowing more than 40 of our students to reach higher. As part of our four-day trip, we will be visiting the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, University of South Carolina – Columbia, South Carolina State University, and Coastal Carolina University. You are supporting not just a trip, but a sense of hope, increased knowledge, and a better future for our students. While only a few of the students may end up attending the colleges on this trip, the experience, combined with the exposure to new cities and knowledge about college, will undoubtedly live on in each the students.
Our Costs
Our primary costs in this fundraiser are bussing and lodging. Taking a bus from Delaware to North and South Carolina, while by far the most cost efficient method, is quite expensive. With more than 40 students plus 4 chaperones, the estimate for our bus alone was nearly $10,000. We plan to take the trip starting on a Thursday morning - Sunday evening, so we will need lodging for 3 nights. Our preliminary estimate is that the costs for hotels for 3 nights will be around $4,000/night, or $12,000 total. We have a limited amount of money available from a grant to help pay for the cost of this trip, but we know that investments from sponsors like you will bring us within reach of our goal!
For many people, attending and graduating from college is a given.
Thank you for considering sponsoring our students. Through this trip, we hope to engage our whole school community in the importance of college and planning for life after high school. In the city where we live, work and teach, only 4% of students in last year's graduating class were considered "college and career ready". Our students know the odds facing them, and they cannot wait to show what they are made of. Your donation to this project will help our students reach higher, achieve their dreams, and prove that we are not a statistic.
Back Up Plan
If we do not meet our goal, we will use the funds we do raise to attend one or more local college trips!
Fundraiser Updates (2)
Off We Go!
April 25, 2016
Our College Access and National Honor Society students are busy getting ready for our trip - we leave on Thursday morning! Thank you to all who have helped out with this cause, your contributions have helped us pay for our bus and hotel rooms.
Thank you again for continuing to support our students. We couldn't have done it without you!
Ashley and Tristan
Great News - REDUCED GOAL!
March 8, 2016
Good Morning Everyone!
Thank you for your contributions and help in fundraising so far - we are so excited that we are close to making this happen!
We have edited the goal for this fundraiser from $15,000 down to $5,000 - because we received a $10,000 grant and will be able to use that funding as well! We are hoping to still get to $5,000 on here, or we may have to shorten the trip - and visit fewer colleges. We are looking forward to the trip and our students are prepping for college and this tour every day!
If you can share our cause on Facebook, we'd greatly appreciate it - now through the end of March, we get $1 per share on Facebook (we've gotten $51 already!), and you can help get the word out to others to donate!
Thanks for your continued support. We are so thankful to have great people like you helping our kids!
Ashley and Tristan
About the Creator

Investments (15)
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
Michelle Jackson
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
Richard Schlaack
9 years ago
Richard Schlaack
9 years ago
Gloria Koenekamp
9 years ago
Ashley Sorenson
9 years ago
9 years ago
Mark Lozier
9 years ago
Tristan Spates
9 years ago
Comments (2)
Tristan Spates February 10, 2016
Mark February 10, 2016
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