Printer and Goggles for Growing Minds

Verified Non-Profit

$215 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...
purchase items that will make the S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) activities in my classroom more engaging and safe. My students love the enriching activities S.T.E.A.M. provides. Due to our current lack of resources, we cannot do all of the activities we would like. First, my students do not have goggles. Without goggles, we cannot do activities with heat and most liquids. Obtaining a class set of goggles would help to extend the number and quality of our activities. Since S.T.E.A.M. has an art component, we do many art activities on the iPads. Currently, we do not have a way to print student art projects. We need a wireless, color printer that will allow my students to turn their digital artwork into physical artwork.
My students love to learn and to be challenged. They deserve these items so that they can continue to grow.
Brother Printer HL 3140CW Digital Color Printer with Wireless Network $166.54
2 12-pack of Pyramex Safety Glasses for $12.28 each.
Back Up Plan
I will purchase...only the printer or only the goggles.
About the Creator

Investments (2)
Jennifer Carroll
9 years ago
Katie Chirhart
9 years ago
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