Seuss on the loose. Build a childs home library.

Verified Non-Profit

$135 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...purchase a Dr. Seuss book for each of my students in order to build their home library. Many of my students say they do not have a lot, if any books at home and though we have a lending library, there is nothing quite as special to a child as a brand new book that they get to keep at home and read over and over.
Please help my class celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday on March 2nd. Put a book in the hand of a child.
Target has Dr. Seuss hardcover beginner books on sale for $5. I can purchase one for each of my 27 students without tax.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will many Dr. Seuss books as possible and let students borrow them from the classroom through our class lending library.
About the Creator

Investments (2)
Christina Gonzalez
10 years ago
10 years ago
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