Probing Scientist
Verified Non-Profit
$200 goal
The Description
With these funds I will purchase lab equipment. The lab equipment will assist us in working with our student when we complete lab experiments in our Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Aquatic Science classes. As we expand the number of courses that we offer the more equipment we are in need of. In being a small campus our funds must be stretched. As a teacher, I want to expose my students to as much Science as I can so that they are prepared for college. My students are excited their Science classes and they deserve this equipment so that they how to utilize it. Reading about and experiment and seeing a virtual lab is not the same as a hands on experiment.
I am hoping to purchase plastic beaker sets, graduated cylinders, microscope slides and triple beam balances.
Plastic Beaker Set - 5 Sizes - 50, 100, 250, 500 and 1000ml
Kalevel Graduated Cylinder,B00ET6GOG0,B0055DZ3EK,B006V4WNYU
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase kitchen supplies that can be used as lab experiment supplies so that my students can still have hands on experiences. Baking soda, food coloring, peroxide, pipe cleaners, magnets, pipettes, copper wires, batteries, balances, field trips to museums that allows hands on activities.
About the Creator
We do our best to provide the rigor and have high expectations for all our students. They see our passion for our craft and we want to get a fire started within them that will carry on through high school into college. When you see a student learn a new concept it's amazing, seeing them walk across the stage is breathe taking. We touch the lives of so many students, we have an influence that is indescribable and we must always remember we help them find their voice so that they can become our future.
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