Coding Mania

Verified Non-Profit

$421 goal

The Description
Do you remember the excitement the first time you were were able to code correctly? My students need some additional coding materials to code with during school and during our coding club. This year students have been working on applying their coding skills through online coding through With these funds I will buy some spheros (The Ollie Competition Combo Pack - $229) the next step in applying their coding skills. Spheros will allow students to practice concepts with distance, rate, angles and friction.We will also utilize the Sphero website which provides detailed, standards- aligned lesson plans.
The money will also go toward a year subscription for Kodable (through for $160.00) for students to practice and enhance their coding skills. Learning the coding language and applying it will prepare students to think creatively and to solve real world problems.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase the materials I can with the amount that is available.
About the Creator

Your Impact
$21.05 equals 1 student
Investments (7)
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
Laura Birchett
8 years ago
8 years ago
Pam Wright
8 years ago
Andre Bluehs
8 years ago
Comments (1)
Laura Birchett April 13, 2016
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