Specialty Seating Needed!

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will... purchase stability balls with legs for every child in my classroom.


I am trying to raise money in order to purchase 25 stability stools ($19.98 each). The exact stools I would like to get for my students are listed below. These stools will fit perfectly under their desks so that they can really focus on their school work. With any remaining money, I will purchase more of the stools to use when the students are at my teacher table for guided reading groups! 


I would LOVE to be able to provide these for all my students, it would help them concentrate and enjoy school so much more!
My students are amazing kids.
They love to read and learn. Some of their parents work two jobs to make ends meet. Many students who attend my school are on free or reduced price lunch and cannot afford much. I work at an amazing school where the teachers and parents work as a team to help students learn.

My students will use stability balls during independent work time to help keep them focused. Many times, at seven years old, first graders have a difficult time being still. The stability balls will allow them movement without being disruptive and will help them to stay on task.

Remember back to being seven years old. It can be so difficult for a child that young to keep still. Giving my students the opportunity for movement whenever possible helps them to stay focused and learn. My goal is to make sure that even my wiggliest students are able to learn.

Engaging the Mind.
When students sit on stability balls, both sides of their brains are engaged in keeping their bodies centered on the balls. And when the brain is stimulated, it's more focused on learning. Not only is the brain better suited to processing new information, young minds are also better able to concentrate on exams, note-taking, class discussions, and other aspects of classroom learning.

Attention-Challenged Students.
Students with attention challenges, such as attention deficit hyperactive disorder, tended to focus better when using stability balls instead of chairs. The study revealed that students behaved better and that language skills improved, and that students and teachers preferred the use of stability balls in the classroom instead of chairs. Fidgeting helps children with ADHD concentrate, and just a little movement on the stability balls can meet their demands for expelling excess energy.


Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase... as many stability balls as possible. I will continue to fund-raise in any way possible until I am able to successfully purchase a stability ball for each child. 

Fundraiser Updates (1)


February 19, 2016

Let me just say thank you to all of you who donated! To say my kids love the stability balls would be an understatement! They bounce all day long while still getting all of their work done! It is also a lot less noisy! I can't thank you enough! 

Comments (1)

Lina January 19, 2016

I hope you get all the seats you need!! Love you!

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About the Creator

I am a first grade teacher at a school with an extremely high poverty rate. 60% of our students are receiving free or reduced lunch. I began my teaching career in order to help all students to grow and learn. My goal is and has always been to make learning fun, engaging, and meaningful! I do all that I can in order to make this happen!

Investments (10)


Dennine Michel

9 years ago


Richard J Clarke

9 years ago



9 years ago


Kaitlin Johnson

9 years ago


Carolyn James

9 years ago



9 years ago



9 years ago



9 years ago



9 years ago



9 years ago