High Quality Content For High Quality Students

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

AKJ Education specializes in easy-to-use, pre-assembled classroom collections and classroom libraries, based on decades of working with teachers, schools and districts. This will allow me to focus more of my time on instruction and supporting my students at their level rather than curating materials. All of the AKJ collections are supplemented with hands-on learning materials (such as games, skill builders, and digital subscriptions) to create blended classrooms. Access to high quality materials is one of the most important aspects in preparing my students for success and that is why I would like to fundraise for these amazing resources.

Here is the breakdown of our goal of $487.80 for AKJ

AKJ Custom Collection (x2)$400.00
PledgeCents partner product sourcing and logistics$48.78
PledgeCents fulfillment and labor$24.39
WePay payment and processing fee$14.63
Total goal amount$487.80

The amounts calculated above are used to ensure the fundraising goal covers all fees. Actual fees will be calculated and collected on a per transaction basis, therefore total amounts may vary once the fundraiser ends. Calculated fees consist of a 10% sourcing fee, 5% fulfillment & labor fee and 3% processing fee.

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as many of AKJ Education's great resources as we can with the funds raised.

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